miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013

1x04 - "El pantano de barro negro"

Las Winx y sus compañeras, en este día, algo distinto, fueron asignadas a una tarea particular: usar el instinto, y escuchar las señales de la naturaleza, para guiarse en el pantano de barro negro, encontrando la salida y la meta.
   Mientras tanto, en Torre de Nubes, las Trix reciben la noticia de que su trol cazador fue capturado, lo cual suponía una seria posibilidad de ser atrapadas por sus delitos. Los especialistas estaban a cargo de procesar a la bestia; siendo ellos un obstáculo para las Trix, ¿qué tendrán ellas en mente?

The Winx and their classmates, today, were assigned to somewhat particular task: they would have to use their instincts, listening to all sings from nature, to get themselves through the creepy black mud swamp. They'd have to find their way out and get to the designated finish line, within the shadowy forest.
However, at Cloud Tower, the news broke for the Trix when they found out that their hunting troll had been captured. That implied a high risk of being drawn out to the spotlight, because of their attempts against the fairies. They had to do something. But, the specialists were in charge of taking care the beast, which means they indeed are an obstacle for the witches. What on Earth do they have in mind?

💬 Español

💬 Español de España

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💬 English (4kids)

Winx Club © Creado por Iginio Straffi © 2003-2016 © Rainbow S.r.l. © Viacom Internacional Inc. © Rainbow S.p.A © Rainbow CGI © Viacom © Winx Club

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